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--Dec 22 2022
post locationBahnhof Mainz Römisches Theater - Mainz, Germany
#RightNow Mainz: Römisches Theater (Roman Theater) - Part 1

The Roman Theatre in Mainz, Rhineland Palatinate (ancient Mogontiacum) was excavated in the late 1990s. It is located immediately next to the Mainz Römisches Theater station and was once the largest Roman theatre north of the Alps, with a diameter of 116 metres, a stage-width of 42 metres, and a capacity of roughly ten thousand people.

Mogontiacum owed its significance to its location at the meeting point of the Main and the Rhine. The city provided a convenient base for the defense of the nearby border of the Roman empire, the limes, and for the organisation of military campaigns against the Germani. As a result, a double legionary camp was built on the site in 13/12 BC, which remained in place until some time after AD 350.

The massive vaults of the theatre survived for a few centuries. From the 6th century they were used as catacombs for burials of the surrounding monasteries, especially St Nikomedes (which itself no longer exists). Graves associated with this period have been found in the recent excavations.

Foundations of the stage building were found in 1884 during the construction of the railway and were recorded before being demolished to make way for the tracks and platforms of the South Station (now the Mainz Römisches Theater station). The finds were not connected with the long lost theatre. In 1914, when further remains were discovered during the construction of a canal, the art historian Ernst Neeb identified the remains as part of a Roman theatre building. An exploratory excavation in 1916 supported his case, but because of the First World War, no further excavations could be undertaken. The remains were covered over once more and were completely forgotten.

Text Source: Wikipedia
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