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--Dec 22 2022
post locationTempelhofer Feld - Berlin, Germany
#RightNow Berlin: Tempelhofer Feld - Part 4

The first parade staged by the Berlin garrison on Tempelhof Field was arranged by the ‘Soldier King’, Friedrich Wilhelm I in 1722. At their annual marches and manoeuvres, the regiments exercised in the presence of the monarch in order to demonstrate the skills they hac acquired during the course of the year. The owners of the site were Tempelhof farmers. The army compensated them for damages to their farming land and their pastures. When. however, the area was used almost every day for military exercises following the reform of the Prussian army in 1807, protests occurred again and again. In the end, the military authorities bought Tempelhof Field instalment-wise, from 1826 on, as a drill ground for the Berlin garrison.
After the victory over France and the founding of the German Reich in 1871, the parades held on Tempelhof Field became particularly splendid in an effort to demonstrate the German Empire’s claims to power and its representational ambitions. At the same time the army was modernised: Railway troops and an airship crew division were stationed on the edge of the field from 1883 on. Towards the end of the 19th century, two mighty barracks complexes were constructed in the north to accommodate the Königin Augusta Garde Grenadier Regiment No. 4 and the Guard Cuirassier Regiment. A military prison was also built here which would be used as a concentration camp during the National Socialist period.

The characteristic feature of the airport’s architecture is its prestigious monumentality and technical modernity. The natural-stone cladding, the strict arrangement of the windows, the seemingly fortified towers. On the aerodrome side, one is struck by the modern, pure steel structure ot the hangars with its distinct curvature.

Text Source: City of Berlin and Wikipedia
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