My VERO #6: Pete Lawrie Winfield


VERO Music’s Creative Director Pete Lawrie Winfield is a photographer, poet, painter, designer, director and musician, whose values and community spirit align with what we are all about - creativity and connection.


In addition to being the frontman of Until the Ribbon Breaks, Pete has co-written and produced Thunder Jackson’s sublime debut album as well as directing multiple music videos to accompany the launch of Thunder’s single releases in 2020.

In 2018 Pete released his beautiful photographic journal "Meru - Selected Works" exclusively on VERO. A hugely stylish, manually-wrought, intensely personal insight into his process and form, the book features an exclusive collection of photography, poetry, artwork, and lyrics.

Check out Pete's 'Highlighted Works' on his VERO profile to see the extraordinary range of his creative work and keep your eyes peeled and headphones at the ready for some exciting new projects in 2021. In the meantime, here are the accounts that are his "must follows":




I spend almost my entire life in a room full of bleeping, whirring machines. I am never happier than when wrestling some new technology in the small hours, trying to squeeze a brand new sound out of a box full of chips and wires. Elektron makes the very best of these boxes. The perfect marriage of past and future. Dusty, crunchy, organic sound futurism. "Blade Runner" boxes. What is not to love?



Thunder Jackson

It has since been told publicly, embellished in places, and taken on a life of its own - but I was there - so here is the truth of it; I was in the front of a car on Sunset Boulevard and in the back of the car was a stranger, hopping in for the ride. When he, a little inebriated, started singing to the radio, my hair stood up on end and Thunder Jackson was born. I have worked with many artists and some just have something undefinable, a touch of magic and madness that cannot be taught, bought, or designed. It might be tomorrow and it might be in 5 years, but I look forward to the world hearing what I heard on that fateful car ride.



Abi Ocia

I knew from her artwork that I would love her music. Power and vulnerability in one image. The music itself somehow does exactly the same thing. Let’s you in, whilst simultaneously letting you know not to touch the furniture. Sultry, smoky late-night anthems, washed in neon lighting. Thanks To VERO, I was fortunate enough to meet Abi all too briefly before the world slowed its spin this year, but...I very much look forward to the potential of collaboration.



Ayman Hariri

I have had the great fortune of spending my professional career traversing the high rope that connects art to commerce. I have released all kinds of things on all kinds of platforms - the good, the great, the bad, and the ugly. From the second Ayman and I spoke, it was clear to me that there was a kindred spirit, a bolt from the blue, and a uniquely refreshing perspective on what it means to share, to create, to connect. I am privileged to call Ayman a collaborator and a friend. He's only just getting started, and I'm proud to be a part of the journey.




I'm not sure there is a better example since 'records began' of an artist who so fiercely and fearlessly has used her art, her platform, and her spirit to fight for the rights of the voiceless. Much injustice has finally come into bright light this year, both in the media and reflected in the art of our time, and thankfully so. That said, Madonna has been shining her own light on society's hypocrisy and prejudices for almost four decades. Of course, she is globally celebrated and a very prominent member of the increasingly exclusive 'genuine icon' club, I just believe she also deserves her flowers as a freedom fighter. Very happy to see her on VERO - a great pairing!



Ben Staley

Photography has always been such an elusive, intriguing art form to me. To a degree I can understand 'how' music works, but photography is out of my realm of logical thought. Capturing light, as a means of capturing lightning in a bottle, preserving our memories in a tangible form is nothing short of magic. Therefore, those who can do this well, are surely magicians. VERO has introduced me to so many artists, working in so many forms. Ben Staley, quite simply, paints in light. To capture essence and power in a portrait like his does, is not as easy as his work would have you believe. Amazing.


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